
Remove the Ants! 

Ants are among the most common household pests in the world. They're also one of the most difficult to get rid of. We've all seen those films where some kid tries to pick up an ant with his finger, only to have it bite him and crawl under his skin, causing a giant infection that eventually bursts through his arm. That may be Hollywood overstatement, but it's true that you should never try to handle an ant yourself, as they can bite and sting and carry diseases.

The best defense against ants is prevention—keep food and garbage inside, seal all holes where they might come in, and don't leave items out overnight. Another very important step is proper identification. Ants come in many different species with different habits. One kind of ants may require a different treatment than another kind, so you must know what kind you're dealing with before you can take effective action.

Xtermco Inc has been providing Hawaii with the very best in pest control services for over twenty years now. Our expert technicians can properly identify your ant problem and come up with a solution tailored specifically to your home and situation.

Get Rid of the Ants Today! Call Us today at 808-591-2922.

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